Thursday, February 2, 2012

I've started to feel like I have to blogg a lot more.
It makes my worries not being as strong and I need them to be weaker since I am full of them.

You know when you just always make mistakes. Yes, I do that. I know I'm a sinner but I feel like I sin more then a sinner does. But the thing is.. that doesn't make sense at all! But even though it doesn't make sense then I still feel that way. And it wont go away.

How could I be so stupid. Why cant I just thikn.

'Why me?

I feel so much alone. I feel like no ine understands. Nothing can help. Except God.
What is happening and WHY ME?

I really just want to scream and shout (even though I think it's the same thing) Feel like going to a place that only has grass and and nothing else except trees around it so you can't go out from there but it would be a big sircle.
I would be waiting there for my Father to come and take me home. I wouldn't make mistakes as much. I would be alone.. so non that doesn't make sense but that's what I want. That's another kind of being alone.
That's being alone with God.

If I think about it .. I toatally forgot what I was going to write now since I am in class and cant have the computer up all the time. But ohh..

I'll end this here!

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