Thursday, April 21, 2011

50 - 50

Sometimes I wish I could just be from one country.. (ofc. I am.. but you'll probably get what I mean..)
I really hate it when it's pushed in face that I can't speak english and my mom is from JA and I can't speak good enough Icelandic and I live there.
So yes. I'm so not perfect! I only talked Icelandic when I was little, just bit of english and I understood a lot of it though.
I don't think I watch that much TV to learn all the english and icelandic is just really hard language.. I mean.. sorry if I don't know the word, there was a reason why I asked. If I haven't heard it or used it why should I know what it means.
When I sit in my classroom I ALWAYS feel embarrassed because some of the other students not english a lot more better than I do... and it like I know that some are like.. "wow how can she not no this she's have JA". Sometimes I just want to cry. Sometimes people laugh when I don't know a word. Somtimes they teas me with it. Sometimes they put a weird face on and tell me just to go and look in the dictionary.

How am I supposed to feel about myself after that.. I really don't like it and I often think about how stupid I am for not knowing many words.
Sometimes I sit in the classroom and try to listen to the teacher and I am so afraid to ask what some words mean cos then I am so stupid.

I feel like crying now. I have to do this presentation about third world countries - Jamaica and of course everything on the internet is in english and I'm kinda angry at me teacher to let us do this and expect us to like know all these hard words and translate to Icelandic.

Or maybe it's just me .. :-/ Maybe everyone else no it.. it wouldn't surprise me :'/

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